Monday, June 1, 2009

Bioidentical Hormones 101

Bioidentical Hormones 101
How to Take Control of Your Health
(just say “no” to rx drugs)

I am not a medical doctor. I speak strictly from experience. The purpose of this article is to help others avoid some of the pitfalls that I have experienced due to the shortcomings in the medical arena relating to how aging affects our health. If you are in your 30s, 40s or beyond, you could be entering the zone of perimenopause or menopause and may be experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Most likely, treatments recommended by your family doctor, unless he/she is familiar with bioidentical hormones (bhrt), will only mask the symptoms, but won’t balance your hormones, the root cause of your problem. Until your hormones are in balance, you will be susceptible to a whole host of diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, thrombosis, bone loss, and cancer. If you’re like me, instead of the obvious - hot flashes and night sweats - you may be experiencing some not so obvious symptoms, including joint pain, itching, dryness, insomnia, headaches, low sex drive, moodiness, urinary incontinence, spotting, prolonged or heaving bleeding, weight gain, heart palpitations, dizziness, fibroids, sweets cravings, fatigue, even thyroid problems.
Thyroid problems often go undiagnosed since doctors tend to use a one size fits all approach. The problem with this approach is, affected by stress, our hormones can fluctuate hourly and are as individual as finger prints, which is why it is necessary, when beginning bhrt, to have them tested quarterly or semi-annually, if possible. A second reason imbalances go undiagnosed is that the scale used by many doctors is based on an unhealthy population. Therefore, many women with a thyroid problem are told they don’t have a problem.
I don’t recommend that anyone should not seek medical attention. Rather, my suggestion is this, once more serious illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, altzheimers and cancer have been ruled out, if symptoms persist, then consider having your hormones checked. Once you begin treatment, you should never go it alone. Always be under the care of a professional. Using the internet is fine. It may save money once you know which products to use, but you will need a diagnosis first. A DO (medical doctor that specializes in naturopathy) can advise which hormones need to be tested depending on your symptoms. Be proactive. Do some research on your own. Get your hands on as much info as possible as this field is still developing and there are some things that even your DO, pharmacist consultant, gyno urologist, or endocrinologist may not know. While some traditional doctors may decline to discuss herbal remedies, these doctors will most likely welcome your input.
Personal experience
It’s important for me to share my personal experience so that anyone reading this understands the importance of being proactive. We tend to put doctors on a pedestal. We think they have all the answers. But the truth is, medicine is changing and not all doctors are keeping up. The use of bhrt is a work in progress even for many doctors. Therefore, it is up to us to help guide them in our treatment rather than rely on them to do all the thinking.
My journey into bhrt began because of a heavy period lasting six months. Initially, I was given a shot of Lupron, which temporarily stopped the bleeding. When it returned, I was prescribed a treatment that lessened the bleeding, but side effects included the potential for stroke and weight gain among others. I sought alternative treatments when I learned it was intended as a treatment for cancer and Aids. Ten pounds later, my family practitioner prescribed Medroxyprogesterone and referred me to another gyno. During the course of my treatment, I sought not only a second opinion, but a third, fourth, and fifth opinion as well. Suggestions ranged from myomectomy, to ablation, hysterectomy, and an experimental procedure in which the arteries would be clamped, depriving fibroids (the suspected culprits at the time) of blood. I tried a number of herbal treatments that I found on the internet but none worked until I tried Chinese herbs under the care of a Chinese herbal doctor. The bleeding completely stopped in ten days but I was left with vaginal burning, pain, and urinary urgency incontinence. Antibiotics were prescribed over and over again even though test results for bacterial infections and std’s were negative. I purchased a hormone testing kit at a compounding pharmacy and found that my hormones were imbalanced. Then, not long after I started taking bioidentical hormones to restore balance, a previously undiagnosed cyst burst, landing me in the Emergency Room. The ER doctor ordered a ct scan to look for kidney stones, revealing an unknown mass. An ultrasound identified the mass as blood and fluid from the ruptured ovarian cyst. Although surgery is sometimes required, I was released from the hospital with pain killers and instructed to keep an eye on it. What I learned from my experience is that, while traditional western medicine can be life saving and a blessing when we need it, in general, practitioners rely on quick fixes (i.e. surgery and prescription medicine). Had I opted for any one of the surgeries, my hormonal imbalance would have continued and while the bleeding may have stopped, the imbalance would eventually have led to other medical problems.
The major differences and similarities between DOs and traditional doctors are as follows: both attend medical school. However, at some point the two branch off at which point traditional doctors concentrate on pharmaceuticals while naturopaths, homeopaths, and chiropractors focus on herbs. In general, what traditional doctors lack is education about nutrition. By nutrition, I don’t mean just what we eat but supplements, including bhrt. Herein lies the problem. To demonstrate this point, when I asked one gyno if he thought that I might be suffering from a deficiency or imbalance, he declared that without enough estrogen, I would not have a period and dismissed the thought as nonsense. Having researched the subject, I now know that estrogen deficiency can lead to heavy and prolonged bleeding. Additionally, it is possible to be both low in estrogen and estrogen dominant at the same time. This becomes possible when one is low in progesterone as well. Progesterone deficiency can cause miscarriage among other problems. Thinking back, my hormonal imbalance existed far longer than I had realized. My last two miscarriages, many years prior and several years apart, were indications of a progesterone deficiency. Going back even further, prior to successfully becoming pregnant with my son, I had fibroid tumors. I used Chinese herbs to shrink the tumors. While doctors and tests revealed the fibroids to be the potential cause of my miscarriages, not one doctor detected the root cause for the fibroids – progesterone deficiency. Progesterone deficiency alone could have caused the infertility, miscarriage, and fibroids. The Chinese herbs were used as a temporary fix. Once I achieved my goal of becoming pregnant, I forgot about them. At the time, I had not discovered bhrt. The problem returned after the birth of my son and continues to return whenever I stop treatment because I still have a hormonal imbalance that I need to constantly stay on top of. At least for now, it means periodically testing my hormone levels.
What doctors usually recommend
Doctors are truly miracle workers. If it weren’t for them, I might not be here today and I certainly wouldn’t have wanted to have a baby without being under a doctor’s care. However, as I mentioned earlier about traditional doctors, part of their education includes pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical companies give plenty of incentives for recommending their products. The danger of rx meds is they build up in your body. Worse yet, the underlying problems still exist, which means more health problems down the road. But the big dollars come from surgeries. Below, I compiled a list of typical treatments. Notice any patterns? What’s missing? What’s wrong with this picture?
· Vaginal bleeding – hysterectomy/surgery, drugs
· Depression – anti-depressants
· Headache – pain killers
· Itching, burning, urinary incontinence – antibiotics
· Insomnia – sleeping aids
· Acid Reflux-Pepsid AC and similar drugs
Not one natural remedy! Natural remedies are best because they are healing. Take, acid reflux, for example. Common remedies, such as Tums and Pepsid AC, are disruptive to the digestive system, a large part of our immune system. I find natural treatments, such as a combination of probiotics, enzymes, and aloe vera to be even more effective. Even better, they help to restore proper balance so the problem does not return.
It should be obvious by now that doctors aren’t interested in prevention. Some doctors, in fact, warn against using herbs. But, while herbs are concentrated and should be used with caution, there have been many deaths associated with taking prescription medication even when following the doctor’s orders. On the other hand, Bioidentical Hormones are obtained from plants and are safe as long as they are used correctly. Because most herbs don’t work as quickly as drugs, it is easy to write them off as being ineffective. Don’t be fooled. They are neither dangerous nor ineffective. Their benefits are many. Bhrt gets to the root cause of the problem so that it does not return, side effects are usually few and milder, and once the root cause is corrected, other problems are prevented from ever happening.
But don’t write off western traditional medicine or prescription medication just yet. After I lost my job and my health care coverage, I was forced to consider alternative medicine. What I gained instead, was the best of both worlds and so can you. Herbs take longer to work while western medicine can be used to not only diagnose the problem, but alleviate the symptoms as well. I use a combo of Eastern and Western medicine to save money plus avoid the knife and any unnecessary risks associated with surgery. Remember, surgery can’t be undone. Herbs can be costly, but not as costly as a doctor’s visit or surgery and there is no recovery or down time. Whenever I go to see my chinese herbal or hormone doctor, I bring test results, such as blood work and ultrasounds. Likewise, I keep my regular doctor informed of what herbal products I am taking. Even if your doctor doesn’t believe in herbs, they should know what you are taking in order to avoid contraindications with prescription medication.
Decoding buzz words:
· Bioidentical hormones (bhrt) come from plants and are identical to hormones made by our bodies. Synthetic hormones are manmade. A mare’s urine provides some synthetics. Many conflicting reports on hrt have been done on synthetics proving them to have harmful side effects, including cancer. Still, because of their ability to be patented, they are backed by the pharmaceutical industry. No one wants to spend money on hormones that can be copied by other companies. Synthetics can be patented and no one can copy them.
· Hot Water Ablation is a procedure which cauterizes the veins in the uterous in order to stop or lessen vaginal bleeding.
· Endocrinologist doctor specializing in menopause . (Look for a Reproductive Endocrinologist specializing in bioidentical hrt).
· Hrt Hormone replacement therapy using synthetic hormones
· Myomectomy surgical removal of fibroid tumors from the uterus
· Estrogen dominance a hormonal imbalance in which levels of estrogen are excessive in relation to progesterone
Major hormones sex hormones and steroids:
adrenaline, cortisol, insulin
Thyroid problems are usually diagnosed during perimenopause. Even then, most doctors treat only one element (T3) of the thyroid with either Levothyroxine (bhrt) or synthroid (hrt) while neglecting T4. Problem is, when the thyroid is not functioning properly, this could result in insufficient hormone reaching bodily tissues at the cellular level. For example, my endocrinologist prescribed Levothyroxine as treatment for my hypothyroidism and further tests indicated that my thyroid levels returned to normal. However, I continued to have a goiter and other symptoms, including weight gain and cold hands and feet until I went to a doctor specializing in bhrt, who suggested supplements that visibly shrunk my goiter and provided relief for my symptoms, including improvements in my memory, energy level, and mood.
Levothyroxine thyroid hormone prescribed for hypothyroidism
· Low libido
· Aches
· Headaches
· Anxiety
· Palpitations
· Elevated cholesterol levels
Adrenals The key hormones to start to work on. Cortisol and DHEA are made here. Dhea made by the adrenal gland is converted into testosterone. People with weak adrenals get fatigued around 4pm, get dizzy when standing from sitting, and crave sweets. Other symptoms of burnt out adrenals may include insomnia, headaches, allergies, low sex drive, and insomnia. You may need Iodine if your adrenals are burnt out (Can be ordered at
Importance of Thyroid Assessment
Thyroid disease refers to both hypo and hyperthyroidism, but hypothyroidism is by far the most common. Even mild hypothyroidism can have significant health consequences, so early detection is important.
Urinary Thyroid Assessment measures free triiodothyronine (T3), free thyroxine (T4) and selenium in a 24 hour urine collection. There are several reasons why a urinary thyroid assessment may be beneficial:
A specimen collected over a 24 hour period may better reflect the average behavior of the thyroid gland since hormone levels vary through the day.
T3 and T4 in a 24 hour urine can be more reliably measured. (Serum free T3 and T4 measurements are inherently difficult.
Selenium is required to convert T4 to T3. A low 24 hour urinary selenium level likely correlates with overall selenium deficiency.
Conditions and Symptoms Associated with Hypothyroidism
Cardiovascular DiseaseSome studies suggest that cholesterol rises with increases in TSH while others refute that finding. Blood pressure is also often elevated. These changes are markers of increased cardiovascular disease risk.
Weight Gain/FatigueHypothyroidism results in decreased metabolism, which in turn may lead to weight gain. Also, slow speech, slowing of physical functions, and dull facial expression can occur.
Considerations for Low LevelsTriiodo-thyronine (T3), Thyroxine (T4), Improving Conversion of T4 to T3
Nutritional supplements to consider
Iodine, tyrosine required to make T3
Selenium needed to convert T4 to T3
DHEA has been shown to increase free T3.
Adaptogens may normalize cortisol levels and prevent cortisol induced suppression of TSH.
Supplement with levothyroxine (T4), compounded combined T4 and T3, or natural thyroid extracts.
Lifestyle considerations
Reduce stress as stress and high cortisol levels can suppress TSH release thereby reducing T3 production.
Reduce soy intake
Limit or eliminate exposure to toxic metals including mercury.
Other considerations
Use of estrogens may impair conversion of T4 to T3.
Conversion is impaired by aging, starvation, alcohol, diabetes, kidney disease, & stress.
Minor hormones
Estrogen (estradiol, estriol, estrone); Progesterone (prepares lining of uterus); Testosterone (sex drive)
Hormonal imbalance
As we age, we naturally produce less hormones. This sometimes leads to hormone imbalances, including insulin resistance, which is why it’s harder to stay slim. But hormonal imbalances can also occur at times in life prior to menopause such as during pms and perimenopause. Symptoms can range from swelling of hands and feet to more serious symptoms, including many of the diseases we’ve come to know as old age diseases: Stroke, Cancer, Diabetes, Altzheimers, Osteoporosis
Perimenopause symptoms may be similar to pms (estrogen dominance, progesterone deficiency, and hypothyroidism) and can lead to irregular or long, heavy periods. Many times, doctors prescribe sleeping pills, anti-depressants, rx drugs, and even surgery to women complaining of symptoms of hormonal imbalance when in fact, they might have an endocrinological problem having to do with cortisol and while this may alleviate symptoms, the hormonal imbalance continues to pose a threat. Studies show that by restoring the estrogen/progesterone hormonal balance to normal levels, many women experience dramatic improvement.
Estrogen: estradiol, estrone, estriol
Estrogen’s risks
My pharmacist describes the estrogen relationship as follows: Think of it as three sisters. Estradiol and Estrone are constantly bickering. Estrone (highest with fat) is the most aggressive, while Estriol (highest during pregnancy) is the peace maker. In other words, Estriol's role, still being explored, is to oppose the growth of cancer cells, including cancer promoted by its more potent sisters, estrone and estradiol. Also, fat cells make estrogen, a major player in both prostate and breast cancers, most estrogen treatments include only Estradiol and Estrone. While we want to limit fat intake hence, Estrone, the bitchy sister, it is best to avoid fat-free foods since the body’s response is to cling to fat if it feels it is being deprived.
Ironically, being diagnosed as estrogen dominant does not necessarily mean having too much estrogen. It only means there is too much relative to progesterone and therefore, you can be both estrogen deficient and estrogen dominant at the same time - you’re just even more deficient in progesterone.
Benefits of estriol
In Europe, estriol has been used for over four decades to successfully treat hot flashes, night sweats, and urinary problems and estriol is heavily researched as a topical face cream for wrinkles in Europe (purchase at
Bioidentical Estriol for Urinary Incontinence: A Swedish study of 40 postmenopausal women with urinary incontinence for up to a decade had a 75 percent improvement with vaginal bioidentical estriol treatment. Eight of the participants who had lost the ability to regulate their urination returned to normal. Estriol is the estrogen that is most beneficial to the vagina, cervix, and vulva. In cases of vaginal dryness and atrophy, which predispose a woman to vaginitis and cystitis, topical estriol is the most effective and safest estrogen to use. Estriol is recommended for the treatment of urinary tract infections and urinary incontinence and leakage. In a controlled study, 629 women suffering from stress and urgency urinary incontinence were treated with vaginally administered estriol at a dose of 1.0 mg daily for three weeks, and 1.0 mg bi-weekly for a further three weeks. Up to an 82 percent improvement in symptoms of stress urinary incontinence was noted. Voluntary urinary control and symptoms of urgency were improved in more than 80 percent of patients. Frequency was reduced in almost 50 percent. Vaginal lubrication was improved in 77 percent and painful intercourse was no longer present in 88 percent.
According to this study group, the recommended dosage for intra-vaginal estriol is 0.5 mg to 1 mg once daily for three weeks, with 0.5 mg to 1 mg once weekly for six months. If you use this treatment, you should be examined to determine if vaginal atrophy is improving. If it has improved, you can discontinue use of estriol or use it 0.5 mg to 1 mg once every other week for another six months.
Simple Operation Prevents Incontinence Four extra stitches can help prevent a lifetime of bladder problems in women. Dr. Linda Brubker of Loyola University published a study in the New England Journal of Medicine April 13, 2006 showing a simple technique could solve years of problems in those having surgery for uterine prolapse, a painful condition that occurs when the uterus weakens and sags in to the birth canal. Frequent childbrith increases the chances of this happening. Hundreds of thousands of women in North America have repair surgery or many more have hysterectomy (total removal of the uterus) to solve the problem. The operation can often lead to bladder problems especially leakage. Now this latest study found that simply adding four permanent stitches, two on either side from the vagina to the pelvic ligament to form a hammock keeps the urinary control muscle stable. If you are having this surgery ask your surgeon to do this simple step. It can solve years of bladder leakage problems. Kegel Exercise Bladder and Vaginal Muscles Remember to do your kegel exercises everyday to develop strong vaginal muscles, prevent prolapse uterus and bladder and eliminate urinary incontinence, urinary frequency and more. If you sneeze or laugh and urine leaks out you need to kegel. Start by squeezing the muscles of the vagina and urethra then relax, then squeeze the muscles again and relax... do this often. It is similar to the action we use to stop and start a urine stream. Kegel exercises will also strengthen a weakened bladder and make orgasms much more intense.
Bioidentical Estriol for Bone Density: Japanese studies using bioidentical estriol to improve bone density have shown a positive effect. The more potent bioidentical estradiol reduces postmenopausal bone loss. Because Bi-Est and Tri-Est each contain a combination of estriol with estradiol, it is possible that these formulations will have positive effects on bone. Bioidentical Estriol Counters Strong Estrogens: Bioidentical estriol, in normal, low doses does not cause proliferation of the endometrial lining and does not cause proliferation of breast tissue. It also blocks and counters the action of the stronger estradiol and estrone.
The best use of bioidentical estriol is in combination with natural progesterone.
Estrogen is responsible for:
Regrowth of lining
Maintains bladder tissue health
Effects mood
Estradiol and estriol are used in bhrt
Too much:
A. Competes with thyroid
B. Breast & uterine cancer
C. Fibroids
D. Mood swings
E. Irregular & heavy bleeding
Too little:
A. Vaginal dryness
B. Low libido
C. Foggy brain/poor concentration
D. Depression
E. Headaches
F. Insomnia
G. Hot flashes and night sweats
H. Palpitations
I. Painful intercourse
J. Dry skin
Testosterone: is the sex hormone. Too much can cause your voice to deepen, irritability, hair growth, and acne, so it is necessary to check for the amounts of testosterone and free testosterone already in your blood stream in order to get a RX. Lose fat and increase testosterone by lifting weights and building muscle.
· burns fat
· Since the heart is a muscle, testosterone is good for the heart
· Incontinence, palpitations, low libido, vaginal dryness, fatigue, memory loss, confusion
Normal ranges:
· Testosterone in premenopausal women is between 10 & 55 n/dl. .06 ng/dl of free testosterone is right in the middle.
· Bioidentical testosterone = dhea
Progesterone the feel good hormone (made in the ovaries of menustrating women) is why many pregnant women say they’ve never felt better in spite of being the heaviest they’ve ever been.
Helps burn fat for energy
Maintains the uterine lining
Necessary for the fetus to survive until birth
Increases libido
Helps prevent breast and endometrial cancer
Anti-anxiety, anti-depressant
Symptoms of progesterone imbalance include:
Hot flashes
Weight gain
Low libido
Breast tenderness
Premenstrual syndrome
Menopausal symptoms
Break down
· Causes mild depression as it decreases estrogen
· Breast tenderness
· Yeast/candida
· Fibroids
· Fat gain hips, thighs
· Irregular bleeding
· Breast & uterine cancer
· Infertility
· Decreased libido
· Fibrocystic breast disease
· Ovarian cysts*
*Ovarian cysts cause a number of symptoms, including heavy and prolonged periods, pain, burning, and urinary incontinence. They are not diagnosed with pelvic exams alone. For this reason, if you are experiencing symptoms, you should request a vaginal ultrasound.
· Do: Supplement the body with natural progesterone from wild yam to overcome estrogen dominance and reestablish hormonal balance.
· Don’t: use synthetic hrt (Provera, medroxyprogesterone, Prempro, Premarin)
In the right amount, bioidentical progesterone can:
Have a calming effect
Enhance moods
Normalize sleep
Increase sex drive
Use fat for energy
Reduce symptoms of fibrocystic breasts
Decrease the risk of osteoporosis
Protect against endometrial and breast cancer
Stabilize blood sugar & thyroid function
Estrogen/Progesterone balancing act
The balance of progesterone and estrogen is crucial. Estrogen is important in regulating the menstrual cycle but too much can be toxic, creating a condition, (Estrogen Dominance) that comes with a number of harmful side effects. Progesterone is made in the ovaries of menstruating women and by the placenta during pregnancy. It is highest during the two weeks before menustration and helps to keep estrogen in check.
Unfortunately, at the onset of menopause, during perimenopause, hormone production declines (including both progesterone and estrogen). This dramatically altered estrogen/progesterone ratio often leads to unopposed estrogen. As a result, the risks for breast and endometrial/uterine cancer, painful fibrocystic breast disease, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, and osteoporosis increase. Other symptoms include hypertension, salt and water retention, abnormal blood clotting, excessive body fat, and hypothyroidism.
How traditional western medicine typically treats (peri)menopausal symptoms
Western doctors typically view menopause as an estrogen deficiency syndrome and prescribe Premarin, a source of synthetic estrogen that comes from the urine of a pregnant mare (other names include Prempro, Premphase, Prempac, and Premelle). But, when I approached my doctor regarding heavy bleeding and a prolonged period, since I was still having a period, my estrogen was deemed okay, and I was prescribed Medroxyprogesterone (synthetic progesterone) to stop the bleeding until I could be scheduled for surgery, which I later declined. Medroxyprogesterone, manufactured by pharmaceutical companies to be far more powerful than the body’s own natural progesterone, is metabolized as a foreign substance into toxic metabolites, which can gravely interfere with the body’s own natural progesterone and further exacerbate estrogen dominance. Side effects include increased risk of cancer, abnormal menstrual flow, nausea, depression, masculinizing effects, and fluid retention. While it didn’t stop the bleeding, with no other options available to me, I continued this course of treatment for months while I searched for answers, until a trip to the ER and a vaginal ultrasound revealed an ovarian cyst had developed. A saliva hormone test showed my progesterone levels were deficient as well. I can only assume that this treatment really did exacerbate the estrogen dominance. But I cannot be certain without having tested my hormone levels prior to beginning treatment. This is why it is important to test your hormones periodically during treatment in order to see which direction you are headed. Still, the alternative, surgery, was not the answer either. Had I agreed to a hysterectomy, myomectomy, ablation or any other surgery targeting the uterus (the source of bleeding, burning and pain, but not the cause), I would have remained imbalanced and consequently, open to many other illnesses, including uterine/endometrial and breast cancer.
A better treatment
After many failed attempts at home remedies I found on the internet, I remembered that I had used Chinese herbs to successfully shrink fibroid tumors prior to becoming pregnant. I found a Chinese herbal doctor and was “cured” within ten days. But, while the bleeding was cured, I developed other symptoms that may have been brought on by either of the treatments, including the Chinese herbs, by pushing my hormone levels too far in another direction. I needed to find out what my hormone levels were. A saliva test indicated a progesterone deficiency. My pharmacist consultant recommended bhrt.
Why bhrt
The body easily converts natural progesterone, made from wild yams and soy beans, into the identical molecule made by the body. Some women feel effects in less than a week of usage. For those who are especially deficient in progesterone, it may take two to three months to restore optimum levels. Adverse side effects: if taken inappropriately, it might slightly alter the timing of the menstrual cycle.
The cancer connection
No doubt you have heard conflicting reports linking HRT to breast cancer and would rather suffer than take a chance with your life. Those studies are done using synthetic hormones, not bhrt, which helps prevent cancer and other illnesses.
Controversy over the benefit of having a period
It is said that once you start bhrt, you may never have to give up your periods. This does not necessarily mean you’ll continue to be able to conceive since conception depends on your ability to make viable eggs and a period does not guarantee that you will produce eggs at all. On the other hand, there’s no guarantee that you won’t become pregnant, either. Now you may be asking yourself “Why would anyone want to continue to have periods?” Some DOs believe that as long as women are premenopausal, we are not as susceptible to heart disease as are our male counterparts.
Hormonal imbalances can occur at any age for a lot of reasons: exposure to toxic chemicals, stress, and birth control pills, just to name a few. Imbalances in premenopausal women can show up as spotting, irregular or missed periods, and other ways. As with women who are post menopausal, imbalances should be addressed as they can have an effect fertility and future health if left untreated.
Men and Hormones
Andropause (Menopause for men) –Testosterone is low and estrogen gets too high, the blood has an increased tendency to clot leading to thrombosis or heart symptoms. Estrogen loves cancer. Hence, prostate cancer. bhrt decreases risk of prostate and colon cancer and Progesterone slows down the growth of cancer. Usually, all men need are testosterone by rx & dhea (available otc).
Menopause isn’t just for women. While women gain weight all over, men gain weight in their mid sections. Men also begin to lose their hair and become less active due to fatigue and like women, are prone to diseases that, until now, we thought were a natural part of growing older. The good news is, they can be avoided and we can live the second half of our lives feeling good and being both physically and sexually active. The best news of all is, we may even get to live longer!
Risk factors for low testosterone and high estrogen in men
Optimal blood level (men only):
20-24 pg/mL of free testosterone; 20-30 /mL of estradiol
Aging men suffer the dual consequence of waning testosterone with the testosterone they do produce being converted to estrogen. This condition has been linked with heart attack and stroke in studies.
Other supplements you should try:
Myomin and/or Dim Women and men experiencing estrogen dominance can also use DIM and/or Myomin to help metabolize and reduce unhealthy estrogen levels. Found in EstroSense available at Whole Foods Stores.
Enzymes our bodies produce less as we get older. Helps reduce inflammation and fibroid tumors.
Probiotics promote digestive and immune health
Vitamin D during cold winter months when we are primarily indoors. D promotes calcium absorption and helps protect our bones.
Selenium plus other minerals and amino acids in a good multi-vitamin
Coenzyme Q10 for heart health. It also has antioxidant properties. It can be found in beef, peanuts, and organ meats, such as liver. It becomes depleted with conditions, such as diabetes, Parkinsons, cancer, Aids, & Muscular Dystrophy.
Omega 3 found in fish oil, flax seed oil, and walnuts is essential but our bodies can’t produce it.
Amberen (available online at resets the pituitary to balance hormones without bhrt
B12 for energy
Juice Plus not just a vitamin - whole food (available in fruits, vegs, berries, & Resveratrol)
DHEA (bioidentical testosterone)
HGH spray for under the tongue available behind the counter at the health food store (our bodies produce less as we get older)
Vitamin K to regulate calcium for bone health and clotting to stop heavy periods. Deficiencies can lead to nose bleeds, easy bruising and extremely heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia). Vitamin K Comes from green leafy vegetables. Unfortunately, Most multi-vitamins don't contain vitamin K. Found in EstroSense available at Whole Foods Stores.
Testosterone (by prescription only)
Chinese herbs are very effective at stopping prolonged or heavy periods
Fiber Choice Not only healthy, but aids in weight loss. The reason weight loss is so difficult for aging adults is there is no single answer. There are many different causes, including diet, activity level, environmental factors, stress, and hormones.
If you are concerned about estrogen dominance, Meta I 3 C by Metagenics, featuring a compound found in cruciferous veggies, such as cabbage, broccoli, and brussels sprouts, may be taken to break down and metabolize excess estrogen. Found in EstroSense available at Whole Foods Stores.
What you need to do and what to expect:
1. Google wellness centers that practice bioidentical hormones or a compounding pharmacy in your area where you can have a baseline hormone test done. You can also order a saliva test kit online. The benefit of working with a pharmacist consultant is they are trained and knowledgeable and can help guide you. They should be able to recommend an endocrinologist specializing in bioidentical hormones as well as interpret the test results and can work with your doctor to suggest the best treatment. A blood test may be needed to test your thyroid function (TSH). Depending on your symptoms, you may also need to see a gyno that specializes in urology and can perform a pelvic exam using ultrasound.
2. After having a baseline hormone test of estrogen, progesterone, TSH and complete blood panel, bring results to your compounding pharmacist. Make sure your tests include:
a. Thyroid/adrenals
b. Lipids
c. 3 components of Estrogen: Estrone, estriol, estradial
d. Testosterone
e. Cortisols
3. Pharmacist consultant will request a rx (for b. estradiol + progesterone if needed) or you can get it online without a rx. He/she will tailor hormones to your needs based on doctor’s rx as determined by tests.
4. Most likely, at least in the beginning, you will take .5 mg Estriol 2x/day 12 hrs apart since it is in and out of the body so quickly plus progesterone beginning on day 7. If you bleed early, you may be taking either too much progesterone or not enough estriol and may need to have your blood levels checked again.
5. If you are having symptoms, google them and look for forums. This is a great way to find others with similar experiences who may be able to provide some ideas you may want to consider.
Where to find products and information on the internet without a doctor’s appointment or RX:
Ø Google Women’s Health Institute
Ø Saliva test kits at:
Ø Blood test kits or 800-208-3444 After order is placed, you will receive a requisition form to take to the local LabCorp for blood work. Results will be mailed directly to you. You can discuss results with a LifeExtension health advisor at 800-226-2370 or you can take them to your compounding pharmacist consultant or physician.
Who you should talk to:
Google endocrinologist and/or gynecologist specializing in urology (both should specialize in bio-identical hormones) in your area or find a compounding pharmacist. Some perimenopausal women experience urinary incontinence and/or irregular periods and may require a vaginal ultrasound if they are concerned they may have fibroids.
Tell your doctor to prescribe estriol and progesterone (start date varies, depending on who you talk to). According to Suzanne Somers, bhrt given in a continuous combined way is harmful because combined hrt does not mimic normal physiology (but some DOs disagree with this). She goes on to say that if prescribed this way by your doctor, you will not have a period and will become insulin resistant since high progesterone levels block the action of insulin. Signs of insulin resistance are weight gain and a craving for sweets. According to her, even though the hormones are natural, this is harmful because daily low doses of estradiol and high doses of progesterone result in the same risk of disease as with synthetic hormones. Cortisol and insulin levels will rise higher than normal when taking hormones in a way which does not mimic how our bodies work naturally. She concludes that hormones should be taken in a cycling manner as opposed to combined continuous (in other words, estrogen and progesterone every day).
Doctors charge upwards of $200 for a consultation alone before even laying a hand on you. If you do not have access to a doctor and/or would like to save money, you can try balancing your hormones on your own without making a huge investment by purchasing products online at the websites that are listed.
The Sexy Years by Suzanne Somers (attending physician, Dr schwarzbein located in Santa Barbara, CA) Excellent reading, highly recommended
Cannon Drugs Wellness Center Compounding Pharmacy
Thousand Chinese Herbs & Tea Co.
Los Alamitos Holistic Medical Center
LifeExtension Magazine
Lorna Vanderhaeghe's Newsletters and Articles
How to find a Doctor Who Uses Natural Hormones
Note that when choosing a doctor, you should be aware that not all doctors agree on how hormones should be used. For example, while some doctors think it's good practice to have menopausal women menstruating again, others feel this is not a safe practice. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what is best for your body based on your own circumstances.
One of the best sources of information for finding a doctor in your area is your local compounding pharmacist:
COMPOUNDING PHARMACISTSCompounding pharmacists make individualized medications, including natural hormones and many of them work with doctors who use natural hormones. In fact, many compounding pharmacists are more educated than the doctors they work with about how to best use natural hormones, and can help educate and guide a doctor who is unsure. For a referral in your area contact IACP (International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists), (800) 927-4227, ext 300, or go online to and plug in your zip code.
American College for Advancement in MedicineP.O. Box 3427Laguna Hills, CA 92654(800) 532-3688In California: (714) 583-7666
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians601 Valley St., Ste. #105Seattle, WA 98109(206) 298-0126Website:
American Holistic Medical AssociationResources for natural HRT.23366 Commerce Park, Suite 101BBeachwood, Ohio 44122Ph:(216) 292-6644Fax: (216) 292-6688 WebSite:
Professional Referral
Please go to our blog,, to read and comment on our posts. The purpose of our blog is to share important health tips so that we can be proactive in our own health. I embarked on a year long search for answers resulting in this article because doctors either couldn’t or wouldn’t provide answers for many of the problems I began to experience other than surgery or prescription drugs. I found the rx drugs I was given by doctors to be ineffective and dangerous to my health and learned that the surgeries that were recommended would have been useless in treating my condition. I have found success using the natural treatments mentioned in this article without risk and best of all, I still have a fully functioning uterus that has not been obliterated. Thank you for reading this. I hope you join me in this.

The following blood tests should be included with your annual physical
v Men:
CBC –Complete blood panel, DHEA, PSA, total & free testosterone
v Women:
CBC –Complete blood panel, Estrogen, Progesterone, TSH, T4, free T3 & 4, cortisol,
P.S. Please read the article below to find out why you shouldn’t just trust your doctor on this:
Struggling to Make ‘Cents’ of the Hormone Replacement Disaster
By Roby Mitchell, MD

I recently spoke with Walter Willett, MD, chairman of the Dept. of Public Health at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Willett was a lead investigator in the Nurse’s Health Study. Our conversation quickly turned to the abrupt cancellation by the NIH of the study of combined estrogen and progestin hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in healthy menopausal women. The study was cancelled due to a finding that the treatment resulted in an increased risk of invasive breast cancer. Dr. Willett agreed with me that: 1) the results were not surprising–as he and his colleagues have been releasing this information for years; and 2) it is naive to think the manufacturer, Wyeth-Ayerst, didn’t know this years before. They basically murdered thousands of women by allowing them to get breast cancer, heart attacks, and strokes, using an unsafe product. It took the NIH five years to deem this therapy unsafe. However, the products have been on the market for over 50 years. The NIH budgeted $600 million to fund the complete 8-year study that was stopped after only 5 years. Wyeth-Ayerst and their parent company, American Home Products (who also brought us Fen/Phen) have made billions of dollars selling Premarin and Provera. This company, the world’s 10th largest, posted global earnings of $3.22 billion last year, up from $3.03 billion the previous year. Much of this increase was from consumer advertising, using stars like Patti Labelle and Lauren Hutton. American Home Products made $522 million dollars selling vitamins like Centrum in just one quarter. With that kind of money they could have easily paid for this study years ago if they had consumer interest in mind. Their interest is profits. Medical SilenceThe medical profession has to share in the blame of this national disgrace, in particular, teaching institutions. Pharmaceutical companies spent about $60 billion in 2000 financing 70 percent of the clinical drug trials. Academic centers vie for these dollars to keep their departments going. This creates a severe conflict of interest that leads to a tainted flow of information to the general medical population. A survey of 192 medical experts in the Feb. issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that 90 percent of said experts had some type of financial relationship with a drug manufacturer, including research financing, speaking and consulting fees. You wonder how on earth it took 50 years for the dangers of Premarin and Provera to come to light. Silence from medical experts was paid for. Also bought was the proclamation from medical experts about the many benefits of Premarin and Provera. The Dept of Ob/Gyn here at Texas Tech Medical School (my alma mater) receives more than one income stream from Wyeth and routinely brings in Wyeth subsidized experts to train a new generation of physicians about the benefits of Premarin and Provera. Synthetic HRTThe downplaying of the risk of using animal-derived and synthetic HRT is even more despicable. The spin doctors calmly stated that for every 10,000 women on HRT during one year, only eight more will have invasive breast cancer, only seven more will have a heart attack, only eight more will have a stroke, and only 18 more will have blood clots. Sounds benign, doesn’t it? It does, until you do the math. There are 8-10 million women currently using HRT, according to Dr. Willett. Using conservative numbers, that adds up to 6,400-8,000 cases of invasive breast cancer, 5,600-7,000 heart attacks, 6,400-8,000 strokes, and 14,400-18,000 cases of blood clots to organs such as the lungs. That adds up to 32,800 cases of drug induced morbidity EACH YEAR!!! If only 1/10th of these women died, that would be equivalent to having a 9/11-type disaster each year. We’re looking for the wrong terrorists. And these numbers don’t include other side effects of this therapy such as fluid retention, weight gain, gallbladder disease, vaginal bleeding, depression, diabetes, and reduction of the cancer fighting B vitamin, folate. Environmental Effects of HRTUnfortunately the harm that these drugs do doesn’t stop with women. Once they go through the liver they are conjugated to make even more potent hormone analogs. These are then excreted as human waste and flushed down toilets into lakes, streams and rivers. An EPA scientist first detected drug contamination in our waterways 30 years ago, according to Christian Daughton, chief of environmental chemistry for the EPA. If you know the chemistry of estrogens and progestins you can extrapolate some disturbing explanations for the increase in many common diseases. Estrogens increase cell multiplication in estrogen-sensitive tissues, a cornerstone in the causation of cancer. The association of Premarin with breast and uterine cancer is well established, but most physicians are still unaware that the prostate is an estrogen-sensitive tissue, also. The prostate is formed from the same embryonic cells as the uterus. Why has the incidence of prostate cancer gone up each year since Premarin was introduced? These same estrogens are effective in causing premature puberty in girls (a risk factor for breast cancer) and breast tissue growth in boys. Ask any older pediatrician if these are new developments since the introduction of Premarin. Estrogens facilitate the growth of yeast in the body. Yeast causes inflammation in body tissues, like the lungs, similar to the inflammation seen in diaper rash and vaginitis. Asthma is another disease marked by inflammation, and it has become epidemic. I’ve cured most cases of adult onset asthma in my practice by treating patients with anti-fungals. Estrogens increase brain activity by speeding up neuronal transmission, facilitating neurotransmitter production and increasing nerve connections. Sounds like a good thing, and indeed it is when it allows a woman to perceive the sniffle of a newborn while dad sleeps through. However, in the brain of a male child who doesn’t have much of the anti-estrogen effect of progesterone, you can predict ADD and ADHD. Estrogens inhibit thyroid function. There is an epidemic of false negative hypothyroidism (clinical hypothyroidism in the face of normal lab values) here in the U.S. according to top endocrinologists like Ridha Arem at Baylor Medical School. Hypothyroidism then leads to a cluster of other problems like chronic fatigue, depression, carpal tunnel syndrome and osteoarthritis. These associations may seem a stretch to the uneducated, but validated estrogen chemistry is the link that ties them all together. The results from the NIH study with Premarin and Provera are just the tip of a big iceberg. I deem it criminal for them to continue the Premarin only arm of the study. We know too much about the cancer-causing effects of this drug. Human hormone analogs have been available here for over 20 years, and it makes no more sense to continue using horse estrogen than it does to continue using pig insulin. Premarin continues to be prescribed because it makes cents! Roby Mitchell, MD, trains doctors and pharmacists on the adverse impacts of deficiencies in estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid hormone, growth hormone and DHEA in men and women, and the benefits that can be achieved through replacement therapy using bio-identical, rather than synthetic hormones.

tid bits (things you should know)
Check your Ph balance. If acidic, your liver is not working as efficiently as possible and you may become estrogen dominant as estrogen starts to accumulate in the body. If you have a weak liver, drink plenty of water to help cleanse. Ironically, fruits, which would seem to add to your acidity, actually help you to become less acidic.
Mercury behaves as estrogen. (Mercury that the dentist puts in your teeth is labeled as poison). Each tooth is connected to an organ along meridians.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Master Cleanse

February 25, 2009
I am starting the Master Cleanse today. 
The saline solution water; 1 qt water & 2 level tsp of sea salt.  (Take each morning)
The organic smooth move tea. ( 1 tea morning, 1 tea evening)
The  lemonaid 2tbls lemon, 2tbls organic grade b maple syrup, dash of cayenne pepper and 10 oz of water. It is the great lemonaid =).  (The amount of tea to consume each day may vary for each person, the maple syrup may vary depending on each person's activity levels.)

Buy the book "The Master Cleanse", by Stanley Burroughs before beginning this cleanse. I am not advocating or directing anyone in this cleanse. I am doing it for my own personal benefit.

I am writing a diary of the cleanse

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Asthma folk lore remedies

We found this information in a Tommy Bass book; Mountain Medicine, By, Darryl Patton. This book is part of my studies for my Naturopathy Degree.

Horse Mint that is dry or cut over land is good for allergy symptoms. Some call it horse mint and others call it mountain mint. It has a strong smell like camphor. It is good for the sinuses especially for allergies that you get in the fall of the year. It can be smoked like tobacco or put in boiling water and inhale the steam. It is a temporary relief. It can be put in cough or cold tonic for relief.

The Asthma remedy is as follows; Herbs: Wild Plum, wild Cherry, Sweet Gum (use as an additive to other ingredients in a cough formula).
Wild Plum—One teaspoon of the herb steepin in one cup of hot, but not boiling, water. Drink one cup of cold tea during the day.
Wild Cherry---One cup of the innter bark to one-half gallon boiling water. Boil on medium for 20 minutes. Strain and sweeten. Drink one cup twice a day.

this was a quote from Tommy, “For asthma, the herbs recommeded would be rabbit terbakker and horse mint. Use the two together, and one way to use it is to just put it in the sink and run hot water over it. Use something like plumbark of the tree and take a teacup full of bark and boil it in a quart of water for about 25 minutes. Strain it and add a pint of honey or two pounds of sugar and then put it back on the stove and boil it real fast for about 10 minutes. You want to take about a tablespoon full of it as often as neede. There’s no harm in it, but you have to watch it or it’ll take your breath. I’d recommend thata big handful and put a big towel over your head and inhale it. It gives temporary relief. Yeller you add to this formula about a half a teacup full of apple vinegar. That’s real good for asthma and for sinus drainage. The rabbit terbakker, now, is wondful for the sinus.”

The mentioned plants are all good for deep cleansing of the lungs. They can be used by themselves or they can be combined. A combination of the three dry ingredients listed above can be added to one gallon of wather and boiled for 20 to 30 minutes. A dose would be one cup twice a day.

Another remedy: Take either a white onion or turnip, cut a plug from it and fill the cavity with a spoonful of sugar. Next, replace the plug and bake in the oven until the onion or turnip has turned translucent and fall apart. Squeeze the pulp through a clean wood sock or a piece of muslin and take a spoonful of the liquid as needed. This is especially good for asthma and tickly coughs that seem to persist for long periods of time.

Those who are susceptible to cronic bronchitis and pneumonia will find these plants particularly useful. Don’t overlook using the bark of the wild plum. It will give the other herbs a run for their money and in many ways is better for conditons such as asthma. Try taking a large double handful of the innter bark or fruit and boild down into syrup just as in making a fruit syrup. Take a spoonful of this syrup as needed. In a short while you find the nagging coup relieved.

Another old remedy to try is to make a tea or cough drops out of the mint known as horehound. It is still possible to find horehound cough drops today.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

What do you do that's healthy?

This holiday season, I started making my own bath crystals, soap, and candles using essential oils instead of chemicals, perfumes, and harmful dyes. Bath crystals are quick and easy to make by mixing household items including sea salt, epsom salts, and around a tsp of baking soda with essential oils. If you desire color, just add some food coloring and/or oatmeal for a therapeutic bath. I like to use lavender for a relaxing bath in the evening. For an uplifting shower in the morning, I use my own home-made peppermint soap I made using Shea Butter. For an even more enhanced experience, I burn homemade soy candles scented with essential oils as well. When shopping for the best essential oils, you may want to start with the internet as all are not made equal.

Stomach Problems

My husband suffers from GERD (a type of gastrointestinal acid reflux disease). He used to depend on Tums, Pepsid AC, and other otc medications for relief from heart burn and gas until he recently learned that probiotics and stomach enzymes would provide relief and, unlike the otc medications he was taking, get to the root cause of his symptoms by balancing the natural flora (bacteria) in his intestines. These items may be purchased at health food stores.

Skin tags

When I began to develop unsightly skin tags, I went to a dermatologist to inquire about having them removed. Removal would involve having them sliced off with a pair of everyday scissors. I was told that since getting a shot to numb the area would be more painful than the actual procedure itself, it would be done without one. Since I am very squeamish, I try to avoid pain at all costs. Going back to the remedies of my youth, I found a company on the internet that sold salve, a product that was used to treat boils as I remember. I purchased it and removed the skin tags relatively painlessly on my own simply by applying the salve, which caused the skin tag to fall off in 2-3 days.

Receding gums

Upon brushing my teeth one day, I noticed that there were spaces or pockets between my teeth and gums. My aunt had previously undergone surgery to repair hers, but my problem was minor. I was skeptical at first, but found an herbal toothpaste on the internet that left my teeth feeling cleaner than otc tooth paste and made my gums healthy once again.